The market has exciting highs and unsettling lows, similar to a rollercoaster. It serves as an engine of economic growth but is also highly unpredictable. One day, it can touch the sky.
For homemakers, financial freedom holds huge importance. It empowers them to be self-resilient for their needs.
When it comes to doing business, the reasons for choosing a specific industry, service or product are always layered and personal.
Financial literacy is the need of the hour and a requisite for a prosperous future. There’s no doubt about the paramount difference that the education of finances can make in the lives of people.
As a one-of-a-kind career choice, mutual fund distribution opens many doors for its pursuers. Here’s a detailed article on the why, how and what of becoming a mutual fund distributor.
In plain words, YES. An LIC agent can become and prove to be a successful mutual fund distributor. As an LIC agent, if you have been wondering whether you can become a mutual fund distributor as well, then this article is for you.
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