India is witnessing a wave of transformation in the way people are managing their money.
Mutual funds have become an increasingly popular investment vehicle for retail investors, offering a diversified and professionally managed approach to wealth building.
Today, we are living in an era where groceries and food are ordered with a tap, many services are just a click away, and even our banking & investment activities can be monitored and executed in real-time.
The Mutual Fund industry is brimming with opportunities, and at the heart of this dynamic landscape is the mutual fund distributor—a key player of the industry who simplifies complex investment journeys and aligns them with individual financial needs.
Despite significant strides in gender equality, women continue to be underrepresented in the business world. In India, for instance, only a small fraction of entrepreneurs are women.
Over the past two decades, the mutual fund industry has seen remarkable growth, with AUM increasing from ₹1.56 lakh crore on August 31, 2004, to ₹66.70 lakh crore as of August 31, 2024 (Source: AMFI).
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